부동산정보소식알아보기> 2024년도 달라지는 부동산정책알기

<#Introduction of special loans for newborns> Special loans for newborns are applied to children born in 2023 and households without housing who gave birth within 2 years of the application date can borrow 1.6~3.3% up to 500 million won per year when purchasing a house. Jeonse loans can be borrowed up to 300 million won at an interest rate of 1.1~3% per year. In addition, if you give birth additionally, you will receive a 0.2%p rate cut per personThe news I’ve brought from now on is that #real estate regulations are getting more and more relaxed, you know? The real estate market is getting better, so it’s good to know. #Real Estate PolicyDifferentFor2024 Now, let’s look into it. <#Reverse Zone: New Home: Supply> The volume ratio is an indicator of the maximum allowable volume or volume of a building or land, which is usually expressed in percentage. For a designated area or land, the number of buildings occupied by a building represents the ratio of the total volume, which is determined by the height of the building/ground area, and applied differently depending on the area. That’s why more buildings can be built and the land can be utilized efficiently if the floor area ratio is increasedWow. Was it really useful information? It’s really good to knowHow many people can really say that they love each other all the time? It keeps changing, like, “I love you 12 times a day.” Isn’t that so funny? The human mind is like this. When you like it, it’s divided like this. When you don’t like it. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t like it, you hate it. Wow! Isn’t that really funny?Real estate information news: Real estate policy changes in 2024<#1st New Town Special Act> The 1st New Town Special Act is Bundang, Ilsan, Jungdong, and Pyeongchon Sanbon. The 1st New Town Special Act passed the National Assembly plenary session on April 6, 2023 to improve the aging residential environment and urban function. <#Newborn Special Supply System> Special supply will be established from March 2024, and housing will be provided preferentially to households with children under the age of 2 based on the date of announcement<#Reconstruction Excess Profit Recovery System> The reconstruction excess profit recovery system imposes a certain portion of tax on excess profits generated through reconstruction. The subject is the owner of land or buildings in the area where the reconstruction project is carried out, and the contribution will be calculated differently depending on the size of the excess profit. The reconstruction excess profit is calculated based on reconstruction excess profit = house value at the end of the construction (starting date housing price + total increase in normal housing price + development cost), and the start date is the winning date of the reconstruction promotion committee, the end date is the completion date, and the housing price will be calculated based on the official shooting

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